Tummy Tuck Korea: Cost, Clinics And More, June 2024

This is an in-depth guide for anyone that wants to know more about getting a tummy tuck done in Korea

In this guide, we will go through everything you should know on your journey to a tummy tuck in Korea, including:

  • What is a tummy tuck
  • Tummy tuck cost in Korea
  • Why pick Korea for a tummy tuck
  • Best tummy tuck clinics in Seoul 
Tummy Tuck In Korea

To start off, let’s quickly go over what a tummy tuck is and what results to expect:

A tummy tuck, or an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery that improves the look of your tummy.

It removes excess fat and skin, thus creating a smoother and firmer abdominal profile. It can also help restore weakened or separated abdominal muscles.

A tummy tuck might be perfect for you if you struggle to achieve a desired tummy look with exercise or diet.

You can also opt for a tummy tuck if you have an abdomen that is loose and sagging.

A tummy tuck also goes great with other body contouring procedures

Some of the most common reasons people get a tummy tuck are:

  • Aging
  • Heredity
  • Pregnancy
  • Prior surgery
  • Significant fluctuations in weight
Types Of Tummy Tucks

However, a tummy tuck isn’t for everyone. Your doctor might advise against you getting a tummy tuck if you smoke, are planning pregnancy, have severe chronic diseases, etc. Consult with your doctor before undergoing a tummy tuck.

What To Expect After A Tummy Tuck

It can take about six weeks to recover from a tummy tuck surgery and for results to become noticeable. 

After the procedure, you should take 4 to 6 weeks off work and exercise. You should also avoid driving for a few weeks after the procedure.

You will get dressing and bandages for the incision. Most likely, you will also get a special type of corset or tummy-control pants.

Try to take it easy for a few weeks. Avoid straining your abdomen or putting pressure on your stitches, and take pain medication to manage the pain.

Stitches are typically removed after 10 to 14 days, but it can be done sooner – depending on your healing.

There will be a small scar that fades away after a year. You can also hide pretty well with clothes since the incision follows or is under your bikini line.

Before And After

Before And After Tummy Tuck 2

Popular Tummy Tuck Types In Korea

In general, there are 4 types of tummy tucks available worldwide. However, not all are popular in Korea as well.

A standard or full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck are the most common ones in Korea. Almost all Korean plastic surgery clinics offer these two types.

Standard Or Full Tummy Tuck

A standard or full tummy tuck is the most common type of this procedure in Korea and worldwide. This type targets the area around the whole waist.

This tummy tuck focuses on removing excess skin and tissue while also strengthening your abdominal muscles.

Incision Site For A Standard Or Full Abdominoplasty

Ideal candidates for this procedure are usually people who have:

  • Separated abdominal muscles due to pregnancy or other causes
  • Issues with excess and loose skin for various reasons like genetics, aging, or weight loss

The cost of a standard tummy tuck in Korea ranges from 8,000,000 KRW (= 6,000 $) to 10,660,000 KRW (= 8,000 $). However, the actual cost depends on many different factors. We will cover this later in this guide.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck aims to reshape the lower part of your abdomen. It’s the least invasive and the cheapest type of tummy tuck in Korea. It also leaves the smallest scar out of all types.

With this procedure, the surgeon will remove some excess skin and fat while also tightening the surrounding tissue.

A mini tummy tuck is ideal for those who want to address various cosmetic or medical reasons, such as:

  • Post-pregnancy and age-related changes
  • Removal of stubborn belly fat and excess skin
  • Correcting a ventral hernia
  • Reduce stress urinary incontinence

The cost of a mini tummy tuck in Korea ranges from 4,000,000 KRW (= 3,000 $) to 6,000,000 KRW (= 4,500 $). However, the actual cost depends on many different factors. 

Recommended Post-Tummy Tuck Stay In Korea

We recommend you plan to stay in Korea for about 10 to 14 days after a tummy tuck.

During this time, you should schedule a few visits with the clinic to monitor recovery. You will also get stitches removed during this time.

The absolute minimal recommended stay is at least until your stitches are removed. Stitches stay in for at least a week, but it can take longer, so consider that possibility.

You will most likely spend at least a day in the recovery room at the clinic. After that, you are free to explore the wonders of Seoul within the limits your surgeon gives you.

There is a lot to do in Seoul, even if you are recovering from a tummy tuck. You can check out some sightseeing ideas here. Check with your surgeon about what you can do and what to avoid.

A great way to explore Seoul without much physical activity is by taking a bus tour. Many agencies there organize those specifically for plastic surgery patients.

You should also fit in some appointments at the clinic during that time. Do some relaxing and not too physically challenging activities. There is something for everyone in Seoul!

Tummy Tuck Cost In Korea

The average cost of a tummy tuck is 6,490,000 KRW (=5,000 $) in Korea.

However, the final cost of a tummy tuck varies because of different factors, such as:

  • Clinic reputation: Some more reputable clinics may charge you more. However, higher prices don’t always mean better results.
  • Tummy tuck type: Some tummy tucks are more expensive. For example, a standard or full tummy tuck is more expensive than a mini tummy tuck.
  • Additional procedures: If you get an extra procedure done, this may get you a good discount
  • Additional costs: some clinics may charge extra costs like consultation fees, guest fees, etc. But don’t worry, as these are typically very low.

Korea is very affordable and budget-friendly for a tummy tuck. With the high standards Korean clinics have to uphold, you will get the best price-to-value by having a tummy tuck done in Korea.

There is a lot of competition between Korean clinics, and to attract customers, they offer competitive prices. They also run a lot of promotions aimed at foreign patients.

However, be very careful when inquiring at some more ”reputable” clinics. Often, their prices are inflated and different from many other clinics.

Nevertheless, you can find plenty of great deals that will lower your tummy tuck cost in Korea. And don’t forget about a tax refund when leaving. It’s an easy way to get some money back.

Compared To Other Countries

Korea is already very affordable, but if we compare it to other countries, we can see why it’s a better and more budget-friendly choice.

Competition for customers between clinics is driving the prices very low. With over 500 plastic surgery clinics in Seoul, you can imagine how competitive it is.

For example, for the same procedure, you can expect to pay:

  • An average of 8,120,000 KRW (=6,200 $) in the US
  • An average of 12,760,000 KRW (=9,750 $) in Australia
  • An average of 10,470,000 KRW (=8,000 $) in Canada
Tummy Tuck Cost

Prices for a tummy tuck in other countries can be up to twice as much as what you would pay in Korea.

Remember that the above prices are just ballpark figures and may not include everything. For example, in the US, prices don’t include anesthesia costs, consultations, etc.

But that is not the case in Korea. Korean prices are known for being all-inclusive. They include everything from consultation and surgery fees to other costs like transportation or accommodation.

Not only that but in Korea, tax is already incorporated into the price, which is not the case elsewhere. You can even get a tax refund when leaving!

If you use our tips on saving money in Korea, the price difference becomes higher as you’ll lower your costs in Korea.

Save More Money In Korea

There are plenty of ways to save money, even though Korea is already pretty affordable. 

Use our money saving tips and lower your final cost as much as possible.

Paying In Full

Clinics prefer if you pay in full instead of in monthly installments.

If you decide to pay in full, clinics will happily offer you a discount of up to 10%. You can also try and get a discount by simply asking.

Additional Procedures

If you get an extra procedure done at the same clinic, they will give you a discount on the final cost.

For example, great quick procedures to get are dermal fillers, Botox, and some other anti-aging procedures. We will cover more later in this guide.

Participation In Before And After Showcases

Clinics like to show the before and after results of their procedures to attract customers.

If you are okay with it and are a perfect candidate, this is another way to save money because clinics happily give you discounts for cooperating.

You can even try volunteering for it.

Tax Refund

If you are a foreign citizen, you are eligible for a VAT refund when leaving Korea.

This is a great way to get a nice chunk of money back because the only requirement is that you are not a Korean citizen.

Keep all your receipts and look out for tax refund machines at Korean airports.

Tax Refund Machine At An Airport

Get These Procedures With Your Tummy Tuck

Surgical procedures often complement each other very well. That is also true for a tummy tuck. 

There are a ton of procedures that can enhance the results of your tummy tuck. This way, you can deal with multiple issues simultaneously.

Here are a few that we believe work well with a tummy tuck:

These are some great options to get with a tummy tuck. You can also shave something off of your final cost. Clinics tend to offer discounts in cases of getting multiple procedures done.

One of the most common procedures done with a tummy tuck is Liposuction. Lipo can get all the stubborn fat removed, while tummy tuck will deal with excess skin. 

Ask your surgeon during the consultation, and he will tell you whether it would benefit you. He will give you the most accurate assessment and great recommendations.

Why Choose Korea For A Tummy Tuck

Korea is worldwide famous as the ”plastic surgery capital of the world”. It’s becoming popular among foreigners, as many fly to Korea for cosmetic surgery.

Innovations in the field of plastic surgery are putting Korea ahead of Western countries. Modern technology, affordable plastic surgery, and skilled and experienced surgery put Korea at the top.

High Korean beauty standards are pushing Korean clinics to be even more innovative. This creates competition between clinics, forcing them to offer highly competitive prices – thus the low cost. 

There are quite a few things that put Korea ahead of Western countries regarding plastic surgery. The two major ones, in our opinion, are cost and experienced surgeons.


As we already covered in the  ”Tummy Tuck Cost In Korea”, Korea is much more affordable for a tummy tuck than other countries.

A tummy tuck is cheaper in Korea than in countries like Canada, Australia, and the US. For example, the cost of a tummy tuck in Australia is double that in Korea.

Not only that, but prices in Korea include everything from consultation fees to surgery costs and aftercare. Many clinics offer transportation from and to the airport, a translator, and even accommodation.

The reason for such affordable and all-inclusive prices is the competition between Korean clinics. They offer very competitive prices to attract customers.

And lastly, you can save even more money in Korea by following our tips on saving money there.

Experienced Surgeons

Korean surgeons are some of the most experienced in the world.

They perform over 1,000,000  (1 million) surgeries annually, and many are tummy tucks. Just the sheer amount of surgeries they do is one of the reasons for their extensive experience.

Korean surgeons use techniques to minimize scarring and speed up recovery time. Most of them use self-dissolvable stitches, so the scar left is less visible, and you need no stitches removed.

For surgeries, Korean surgeons use very advanced equipment that helps them achieve better results.

Not only that, but Korean surgeons are specialized. Surgeons performing tummy tucks or similar body contouring procedures perform only those.

Not just surgeons but Korean clinics are also starting to specialize. However, we will go over that later in the guide.

Best Tummy Tuck Clinics In Seoul

Picking the right plastic surgery clinic for your tummy tuck is one of the most crucial things on your journey to a tummy tuck in Korea.

This can be a hard decision, as there are over 500 plastic surgery clinics in Seoul. However, not all are a good choice for a tummy tuck.

We already did the research and came up with a recommendation for a tummy tuck. We will also give you some pointers on what to look for in clinics.

We verified these clinics by

  • Visiting their facilities
  • Checking their surgeons
  • Reading customer reviews
  • Contacting former patients

These clinics satisfy our criteria and are top picks if you want to avoid a botched tummy tuck or an overly high quote for the surgery.

Let’s go over the two most important factors we tend to focus on during research;

Real, Non-Fake Reviews

The first thing we like to look at when reviewing clinics is customer reviews.

When looking, we recommend you only focus on body contouring procedure reviews, which include a tummy tuck. Among those, try to focus only on those mentioning tummy tucks.

Clinics with only average results on body contouring and great ones on nose jobs are most likely not the best choice for a tummy tuck. Do thorough research on a clinic before deciding.

Above is a good example of a review for a tummy tuck. It’s detailed and covers the patients’ experience well. This review is for Girin Plastic Surgery, a clinic we recommend for body contouring procedures.

Also, keep an eye out for fake reviews. Unfortunately, they are becoming popular as clinics try to do everything to attract customers.

When researching, we like to focus on Google reviews, as they are difficult to fake. We also contact former patients to get their detailed experience with the clinic.

Clinic Specialization

Another thing we like to look at when reviewing clinics is the specialization of the clinic.

Make sure to only focus on clinics specializing in body contouring.  There are many clinics in Seoul,  and not all specialize in body contouring procedures.

Even though most clinics do not have a set specialization, we, with research, found the procedures they excel in and specialize in.

There are a few things to look for when researching the specialization of the clinic, such as:

  • Track record
  • Surgeon specialization
  • Customer reviews

For a tummy tuck, focus on clinics specializing in body contouring. Those will be the safest choice.

One of the clinics specializing in body contouring is Girin Plastic Surgery. They have a great track record and reviews, as well as surgeons specializing in this type of plastic surgery.


In conclusion, getting a tummy tuck in Korea is a great choice.

Not only is Korea cheaper for a tummy tuck than other countries, but you get the best value for the price you pay.

Korean surgeons are some of the most experienced in the world. They have plenty of experience and use the most advanced techniques and equipment.

Remember, cost shouldn’t be your number one priority. Although it’s important, you have to pick the best clinics with the best surgeons for your selected procedure.

To help with that, check out our list of recommended tummy tuck clinics in Seoul.

Picking the right clinic for a tummy tuck is very important. Think this decision through and find the best clinic for you.

If you have any questions about how we find the best tummy tuck clinics or any general questions, contact us. We will do our best to help you!


How much does a tummy tuck cost in Korea?

The average cost of a tummy tuck is 6,490,000 KRW (=5,000 $) in Korea.

Keep in mind that the final cost varies because of different factors. You should always demand a full-price quote from the clinic to better understand the costs.

Is plastic surgery safe in Korea?

Yes, Korea is very safe for plastic surgery.

With very high standards Korean clinics have to follow, Korea is famous for being one of the safest countries for plastic surgery in the world.

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