This guide is for anyone who is looking to get breast surgery in Korea and wants to know more about recovery after the procedure.
Recovering after breast surgery in Korea can get a bit tricky, so we will try to cover everything you need for a successful recovery.
This guide will give you an overview of breast surgery recovery, what is recovery after breast surgery like in Korea, if breast surgery recovery any different in Korea, how to speed up recovery, and much more.
Whether you are just browsing or are firm on having breast surgery in Korea, this guide will have the info you need for a smooth recovery.
Table of Contents
ToggleAn Overview Of Breast Surgery Recovery
You probably want to see the final results of your breast surgery as soon as possible. But before that, there is quite a process of recovery ahead.
Since breast surgery is not a simple surgery, recovery is not the easiest either. It can be difficult, especially in the beginning.
However, there are steps you can take to ensure a safe and smooth breast surgery recovery and to speed it up too.
You can usually leave the clinic a few hours after the surgery. Depending on the extent of your procedure, you might have to spend the night at the clinic.
It can take anywhere from 3 – 6 months to recover from breast surgery fully. This all depends on the type of surgery you had, how fast you heal, etc.
If you want more information about specific breast surgery procedures, feel free to check out our guides for breast procedures in Korea.
Let’s now go through some major timeline checkpoints and see what you can expect:
1 Day After Surgery
The first days are the hardest as your breasts will feel tight and sore. They usually don’t have the typical round shape due to all the swelling and bruising.
Besides your breast, your breastbone will be swollen too and you might experience some pain. Nipples will most likely point downwards.
Wear a non-support sports bra or any other bra your surgeon recommends. Don’t shower for 48 hours. You can also manage pain with pain meds.
Take it easy and rest during your first days post-surgery.
2 - 3 Days After Surgery
Symptoms will likely be the same as day one with minimal to zero improvement. Your chest might start to itch and feel a bit more tight.
Swelling will remain the same and the shape will feel more square-like with nipples still pointing downwards.
At this point, you can start taking easy walks, which can help with healing and improve your overall well-being.
1 Week After Surgery
By the end of the first week, you’ll notice swelling and tightness slowly improving. Soreness should also decrease.
After about a week, many people feel ready to return to work, if it’s not too physically demanding. Jobs that involve heavy lifting or constant movement may still be too much.
Focus on resting, eating well, drinking lots of fluids, and caring for your incisions. Walking should become a regular thing by now.
You should be able to sleep fully flat on the back by now. However, avoid sleeping on your stomach or sides to keep healing smooth and safe.
Stitches are usually removed around 7-10 days after your surgery.
2 - 3 Weeks After Surgery
By two weeks, your breasts should look noticeably different. They’ll still feel firm but less tight, and the bruising should be gone. Your breasts will begin to “drop” into place, and your nipples may point less downward.
If your doctor approves, you can start more vigorous exercise after this point but nothing too difficult. Biking or walking are both perfectly fine.
You might begin to notice some asymmetry, which is normal at this stage. It will fix over time by itself. Scar tissue will also begin to form – especially noticeable if you had implants.
6 weeks After Surgery
At six weeks post-surgery, your breasts will look more natural and start to soften. However, they may still feel firm in some areas. The nipples should become much more centered.
Some mild discomfort may persist, especially as you resume normal activities. It’s okay to sleep on your side but avoid stomach sleeping.
Breast asymmetry is still normal at this point, so don’t worry too much about it. Usually, one breast sits a bit higher than the other.
Incisions should be fully healed, and if so, you can now swim or wear a bathing suit comfortably. This is under the condition that the incision is fully healed for at least 1 week.
Your surgeon will check your progress and advise on bra use during follow-up appointments.
2 - 6 Months After Surgery
At two months post-op, your breasts are still adjusting. However, it may take 3-6 months for them to fully settle.
Scars should start to fade and flatten, but it’s important to keep them protected from the sun and use approved scar treatments.
Over the next few months, swelling will decrease as your breasts continue to settle. Full results are usually visible around the six-month mark.
Continue following your surgeon’s care instructions for the best outcome.
Before And After Photos
What Not To Do During Breast Surgery Recovery
We always recommend following your surgeon’s instructions and asking them when you can start doing certain things.
However, there are a few don’ts we think are more or less general for breast surgery recovery, such as:
- Don’t smoke or drink: Avoid it throughout the whole recovery process
- Don’t do strenuous activity: Follow your surgeon’s timeline, especially avoid upper body exercises and those that include bouncing
- Don’t sleep on your stomach or side: Always sleep on your back during recovery
- Don’t shower for 48 hours: This is only because the incision and everything is still fresh
- Don’t skip wearing a bra; It’s essential you wear one for at least some support and protection – surgical or a sports one
- Don’t take aspirin: It can thin out your blood and make way for a hematoma to form
- Don’t tan or stay in the sun: This is something you should avoid for the whole recovery and it’s because of scars
- Don’t swim: If your incision is not closed properly for at least a week, avoid it – your surgeon will tell you when you can go swimming
These are just a few more common don’ts for breast surgery recovery. Of course, your surgeon will give you a much more detailed list and explanations.
Breast Surgery Recovery In Korea
Recovery after breast surgery can be a bit different since you are having it in a foreign country. However, the basic timeline is still pretty much the same.
You will have to spend at least 10 days after breast surgery in Korea. This is so that you have stitches removed before traveling back home.
For those 10 days, clinics will prepare a personalized post-op care plan. It will have all the things you should do and the things you shouldn’t.
Korean clinics pride themselves on being foreign-friendly, which shows in their attentive international-friendly post-op care.
Nevertheless, we recommend you have a friend with you for the surgery. This is so they can care for you in the beginning stages of your recovery.
Breast surgery is a major procedure and recovery is not simple. You can do it alone but it can be more difficult.
You can also get extra treatments for your recovery at most Korean clinics. However, these treatments do cost extra. Only the basic ones are included in the price.
You will, regardless of what you pay, get the basic post-op care in Korea, so you can have a safe recovery.
What To Do After Breast Surgery In Korea
The best advice we can give is to rest and relax as much as possible. This is the best way for you to have a safe few days after breast surgery.
However, since light exercise is recommended after 3-4 days, you should still go out and explore Seoul.
Walking is a great form of exercise when recovering from breast surgery in Korea. If you feel up to it, you can tackle the Cheonggyecheon Stream in Seoul. It’s 11km long and quite a challenge.
You can also check out huge Korean shopping malls, and food markets, do some window shopping, etc. You can find a list of other recommendations here.
Of course, don’t forget to follow your surgeon’s instructions and to not overdo anything while recovering.
Follow Up Apointments
Having follow-ups is important for a safe recovery after breast surgery. That is why you should have them in Korea too.
We recommend having at least 2 follow-up appointments while in Korea. One for stitches removal and one just for your surgeon to check progress.
These are usually included in the price of the surgery. If not, they are not too expensive.
After you return home, you can have your follow-ups with your selected doctor. If the clinics offer it, you can even have online check-ups with your surgeon from Korea.
5 Tips For A Smoother Recovery
You should always follow your surgeon’s instructions to ensure a smooth and safe breast surgery recovery. Essentially, there is no way to make your body heal faster after breast surgery.
However, the good news is, that there are some tips you can follow that can make your recovery even more stress-free.
Comfortable Sleep
Sleeping flat on your back or slightly elevated helps reduce swelling and improve circulation for faster healing. If you’re not used to this, it’s good to practice before surgery.
Having extra pillows will provide proper support while resting. Sleeping on your back should become a habit during your breast surgery recovery.
Avoid Strenuous Activity
During recovery, it’s important to conserve energy and reduce stress to help your body heal. While intense exercise should be avoided, we highly recommend light activity like walking.
Moving around helps prevent muscle stiffness, boosts circulation, and lowers the risk of blood clots, aiding in a smoother recovery.
Recovery Bra
Your surgeon will likely recommend wearing a wire-free bra for at least six weeks to support healing. Sports bras are a common, comfortable option.
When selecting a recovery bra, make sure it’s not too tight and can be easily opened to avoid pulling it over your head. A good recovery bra should ensure gentle support during recovery.
Good Shower Routine
Your surgeon will give you tips on how to clean or care for yourself during recovery. Showering may be tricky, especially during the first few days.
You can use cleansing wipes to maintain hygiene without the need for frequent showers.
A shower stool might also be helpful since standing for long periods may be difficult at first. It can make recovery much more comfortable.
Meal Prep
You won’t feel like cooking for the better part of your recovery after breast surgery. A good idea to counter that is to have someone help prepare your meals in advance.
The best things to eat are smaller, quick-to-eat meals, that don’t require much surgery to digest. They should be healthy, which can help smooth-up your recovery process.
In conclusion, recovering from breast surgery in Korea can be quite challenging but very manageable. The only main difference is the first 2 weeks, which you have to spend in Korea.
Korean clinics have great post-op care that is international-friendly. You will have check-ups available as well as certain post-surgery treatments.
We strongly recommend following your surgeon’s instructions and using our tips for a smoother breast surgery recovery.
We hope you found all the information you were looking for in this guide.
If you still have any questions, write to us at Our team has plenty of experience with recovery after surgery in Korea and will have an answer for you in 48 hours.
How many days rest is required after breast surgery?
On average, it can take about 6 months to recover from breast surgery fully. However, resting for longer periods is only required for the first few days.
We strongly recommend walking as soon as you feel okay. You can even start biking after the first 3 weeks. However, you have to avoid lifting heavy objects and strenuous activity during your recovery.
How long to stay in Korea after plastic surgery?
It all depends on the procedure, but we usually recommend a minimum stay of 7 days.
The reasons for this minimum are stitches that need removing after surgery. This is usually done at the clinic after 7 days and has to be done before you fly back home.
How long does breast surgery recovery take?
It can take up to 6 months to recover from breast surgery fully. This all depends on the extent of surgery and on how your body heals.
You can usually notice glimpses of final results after 1 – 2 months when most of the swelling and bruising subsides. It’s important to be patient during recovery and follow instructions from your surgeon.
How soon can you walk after breast surgery?
We recommend you start walking 2-3 days after breast surgery. This means going on regular, longer walks, not your usual walks around the room/apartment.
Walking can help you a lot during recovery as it promotes circulation and helps maintain strength.