Canthoplasty In Korea (2025)

Canthoplasty is one of the more common eyelid-related procedures in Korea. Along with surgeries like double eyelid surgery, Canthoplasty is popular with locals and foreigners.

If you’re interested in getting Canthoplasty in Korea, this guide has everything you need to know for your journey.

It can be hard to decide whether or not Korea is the place for Canthoplasty, so we will cover everything you need. In this guide, you will find out:

  • What is Canthoplasty
  • Cost of Canthoplasty in Korea
  • Why choose Korea for Canthoplasty
  • How to find the best Canthoplasty clinic in Korea
  • Much, much more

Hopefully, with all the information we give you, you will make that final leap towards Canthoplasty in Korea!

Canthoplasty Korea

Let’s dive right in by first giving you some info on Canthoplasty:

Canthoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that reconstructs your eyelid.

It tightens the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue in your eyelids.

Canthoplasty Done Along WIth Procedures Like Upper And Lower Eyelid Surgery

Canthoplasty will help you if you have sagging eyelids, uneven eyelids, too much eyelid tilt, or even help you increase your field of vision.

You can even get Canthoplasty due to medical reasons such as:

  • Cornea damage
  • Ectropion
  • Entropion
  • Lagophthalmos
  • Trauma damage

In these cases, your insurance might cover your Canthoplasty.

Canthoplasty is a relatively painless procedure that lasts about 2 hours. You will not see results immediately after the surgery. However, after some time, you will have better and more youthful-looking eyes

Types Of Canthoplasty Surgeries

There are two types of Canthoplasty surgeries:

Lateral Canthoplasty

Lateral Canthoplasty is a procedure that fixes the canthus to the lateral orbital rim after a surgical division.

It can help you lift the outer eye corner to give you stronger and more beautiful-looking eyes.


Epicanthoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that aims to release or partially release an epicanthal fold. It can help lengthen the inner part of the eye.

A surgery that goes hand in hand with an Epicanthoplasty, or Canthoplasty in general, is double eyelid surgery.

What To Expect After Canthoplasty

It could take two to four weeks to recover from Canthoplasty.

You can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort after the surgery, but it all should disappear in a few weeks.

Your eyes can look differently sized when your body heals. It will reduce when the swelling goes away.

You will notice a scar after surgery, but it will fade away after a few months.

You should take at least a week off work after the surgery. However, the doctor will tell you precisely how long you need to rest.

Before And After

Canthoplasty And Cantopexy Before And After Photos
Lateral Canthoplasty Before And After Photos

Ideal Combinations For Canthoplasty

Canthoplasty is a simple surgery that can be combined with other procedures to enhance its effects. There are a ton of options, but only a few go hand-in-hand with Canthoplasty.

Since Canthoplasty is an eye procedure, plenty of surgeries that work well with it also fall under the ”eye surgery” category.

Here are just a few examples that make a great combination with Canthoplasty:

You can check out our guides for these procedures and find the best fit. In Korea, additional surgeries done simultaneously can get you nice discounts, so it’s always an option to consider.

During your clinic consultation with the surgeon, it’s important to ask any questions you have about additional procedures to determine if they are a good fit for you.

Canthoplasty Cost In Korea

The average cost for any type of Canthoplasty in Korea is 2,700,000 KRW (=2,000 $).

However, the final cost depends on different factors, like:

  • Clinic reputation: More reputable clinics like to charge more just because of their reputation. But that doesn’t mean you’ll get better results.
  • Qualification of the surgeon: Some more qualified surgeons might charge more. Sometimes, paying more might be worth it if you get a better and more experienced surgeon.
  • Additional procedures: Canthoplasty is a great chance to get something else done with it. Clinics might give you a discount because of this.

Always take these factors into account when heading out for consultations. 

Another thing you should consider before finally deciding on a clinic is that they may charge you extra if you are not Korean. Although very rare, some clinics do practice that.

Some Korean clinics primarily focus only on locals. Sometimes, a good way to get the fairest price is to have a local accompany you to the consultation.

Nevertheless, Korea is still much more affordable and budget-friendly than other countries. Yes, some clinics may charge you more if you are a foreigner, but that is rare and easily avoidable.

Canthoplasty Korea Vs. Other Countries

When we compare the prices of Canthoplasty in other countries, it becomes clear that Korea is the better choice.

Korean clinics compete with each other to attract customers. That’s why they offer very affordable and competitive prices all the time.

For the same procedure, you can expect to pay:

  • An average of 5,400,000 KRW (=4,000 $) in the US
  • An average of 9,700,000 KRW (=7,200 $) in the UK
  • An average of 8,100,000 KRW (=6,000 $) in Spain
Prices Compared To Other Countries

Canthoplasty in the US costs double what you’ll pay in Korea. In the UK and Spain, Canthoplasty costs even more than in the US.

Compared to other countries, getting Canthoplasty in Korea is much cheaper. Of course, you will have to pay for the plane ticket, but overall, it is a more affordable option.

For instance, in Korea, the prices for surgery are all-inclusive, covering every related cost, including taxes. You can also receive a tax refund upon departure, resulting in a nice amount of money back in your pocket.

Plus, there are plenty of ways to lower the final cost of the surgery, thus lowering the price of your trip. We did some research, asked around, and found some great tips:

Our Tips To Save Money On Canthoplasty In Korea

Canthoplasty is already cheaper in Korea than in countries like the US, Australia, and the UK.

But there are still more ways to lower your costs and save money in Korea.

Here are our tips on saving money in Korea:

Paying In Full

If you pay in full instead of in monthly installments, clinics will happily offer discounts of up to 10%.

Make sure to check before paying and ask for a discount.

Additional Procedures

If you get an extra procedure done with your Canthoplasty, clinics will gladly discount either. Clinics do this because they save money on different surgery-related costs.

Almost all eye-related surgeries go great with Canthoplasty. However, anti-aging procedures are also a great way to achieve a more youthful and defined look. Dermal fillers or Botox are cheap and can be a good choice.

Participating In Before And After Showcases

Clinics use before and after pictures on their website to attract customers. If you are a perfect candidate, you might get a nice discount on your surgery.

Ask the clinic about this and even volunteer if you feel like it to get some money back.

Tax Refund

If you are a foreign citizen, you are eligible for a VAT refund at the airport when leaving Korea.

Keep all your receipts in Korea because the only requirement is that you are not a Korean citizen.

Look out for tax refund machines at airports.

Saving Money In Korea By Getting A Tax Refund At Tax Refund Machines

Why Choose Korea For Canthoplasty

Seoul is worldwide famous for being the ‘’capital of plastic surgery in the world.

Korea only had around 60,000 foreign patients traveling there by 2009. By 2017, this number had grown to 320,000 and is getting bigger yearly.

Choosing Korea as your plastic surgery destination is a popular choice due to its affordability and skilled surgeons. While not the only reasons, they are the most common.

There are also many great sightseeing opportunities in Seoul, one of the largest cities in the world. From there, you can also easily travel to all parts of Korea by high-speed trains.

All around Korea is an excellent choice for your canthoplasty, with highly skilled and experienced eye surgeons and affordable costs compared to other countries.

Surgeon Experience

Korean surgeons have extensive experience in performing eyelid surgery. They perform over 1,000,000 procedures annually, most of which are eyelid surgeries. Canthoplasty is a very common procedure among them.

The reason for their expertise is the large number of eyelid surgeries they perform.

Korean surgeons have developed special techniques that minimize possible side effects and scarring in eyelid surgeries, including Canthoplasty.

Some Korean surgeons are the only ones certified to perform a specialized method of Canthoplasty.

In addition to their experience, Korean surgeons are highly specialized in eyelid surgery.

Due to the high demand for eyelid surgeries in Korea, many Korean surgeons have chosen to specialize in them. This is different from Western countries, where surgeons typically perform a variety of procedures.

Finally, even Korean clinics are beginning to specialize in eyelid surgery. We will discuss this further in the guide.


As we already covered in the ‘’Canthoplasty Cost In Korea’’, getting Canthoplasty is more affordable and budget-friendly in Korea.

Canthoplasty in the US costs double what you pay in Korea. And in the UK and Spain, you will pay at least triple the price in Korea.

Prices for Canthoplasty in Korea are affordable because there are so many clinics there. Clinics compete with each other and offer very competitive prices to attract customers.

Not only is Korea cheap for Canthoplasty, but you get the best possible care and value for the money you pay. Advanced facilities and technology combined with attentive aftercare are why you get the most for what you pay in Korea.

Use our tips on saving money in Korea, and you can save even more if you decide to get Canthoplasty done in Korea.

Best Canthoplasty Clinics In Seoul

You will have many options to choose from for clinics in Seoul, so it can be challenging to find the best one.

However, you shouldn’t pick a random clinic or go for the cheapest one. It can make a difference between a satisfying result and a disappointing one.

That is why we already did all the research and came up with recommendations for Canthoplasty surgery in Korea. We will also give you some pointers on what to look for in clinics.

If you want to skip reading about how to find a clinic yourself, you can simply pick one from our list of recommended Canthoplasty clinics in Seoul.

We thoroughly researched these clinics by:

  • Visiting their facilities
  • Reviewing their surgeons and credentials
  • Checking reviews
  • Contacting former patients
  • And more …

Your main priority should be avoiding getting a botched surgery or an extremely overpriced quote. For that, our recommended clinics are your best option.

You can also reach out to us at Our experienced team will try to answer all your questions about Korean plastic surgery clinics.

But for now, let’s dive right into the two very important factors for clinic research:

Real Reviews

Reviews can give you great insight into how patients are satisfied with the clinic. Always check customer reviews!

Of course, you should focus on reviews about Canthoplasty. But if you cannot find any, eyelid surgery reviews are the ones to look into.

Good reviews about eyelid surgery mean that the clinic is a good choice for Canthoplasty or any other eyelid procedure for that matter.

Here is an example of a good Google review:

An Example Of a Review About Eyelid Surgery At FacePlus Plastic Surgery Clinic

Although the above review is about ptosis correction (if you are interested, check out our guide for it – it compliments Canthoplasty well), it gives good insight into how the clinic works.

FacePlus Plastic Surgery is also one of the clinics we recommend for Canthoplasty so make sure to check them out!

Also, make sure to keep an eye out for fake reviews. Unfortunately, these are becoming popular as clinics try to do everything to get patients.

When reviewing clinics, we like to look at Google reviews, as they are harder to fake. We also message ex-patients to get their personal experience with the clinic.

Clinic Specialization

Another important thing when looking for a clinic is the specialization of the clinic.

There are a lot of plastic surgery clinics in Seoul that perform different procedures. We like to look at their review for eyelid surgery, their track record, and their surgeon experience. That way, we can quickly see what the clinic specializes in.

As for Canthoplasty, we recommend you check out FacePlus Plastic Surgery. They are highly experienced and can be considered specialized in eyelid surgery with an excellent track record.

Clinics specializing in eye or eyelid surgery are a good and safe pick for your Canthoplasty procedure.

Another of our recommendations for a clinic is JK Plastic Surgery Clinic. They are a larger clinic with two specialized eye surgeons and a strong record of successful surgeries.

To quickly sum it up – look for clinics with:

  • Surgeons specializing in eye or eyelid surgery
  • Great reviews about eye or eyelid surgery
  • Great track record with eye or eyelid surgeries

Clinics that have all of the above are going to be the best choice for you to have Canthoplasty there!


In conclusion, Korea is a great and safe choice for Canthoplasty.

They have some of the most experienced surgeons who use advanced techniques and work in state-of-the-art facilities using the latest technology.

Not only that, but you can save at least double on Canthoplasty in Korea compared to other countries. If you use our tips, you can save even more money.

With this guide, we try to give you all the information you need when deciding on getting Canthoplasty in Korea.

If you are not sure which clinic to choose, you can always pick one from our recommended list of Canthoplasty clinics in Seoul.

And remember, picking the right clinic is the most important step of your journey. Think it through and find the best clinic for you.

Write to us at Botched surgery is one of the worst possible outcomes for plastic surgery. We have lots of experience with cosmetic surgery and can help you have a successful canthoplasty in Korea.


How much is canthoplasty surgery in Korea?

The average cost for any type of canthoplasty in Korea is 2,700,000 KRW (=2,000 $).

However, the final cost depends on many different factors. You should always demand a full-price quote from the clinic to get the final price for your canthoplasty.

What is lateral canthoplasty in Korea?

Lateral canthoplasty in Korea is a cosmetic procedure that helps patients get stronger and more youthful-looking eyes.

Surgeons do this by fixing the canthus to the lateral orbital rim after a surgical division.

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