Facelift Cost In Korea: A Guide To Pricing In June 2024

A facelift in Korea will cost an average of $5,000 (6,600,000 KRW) to $8,000 (10,600,000 KRW).

The actual final price heavily depends on a lot of factors including the type of facelift, clinic, additional procedures, etc. We’ll cover all of that in this guide including:

  • The exact prices of all different types of Facelifts in Korea
  • Factors that influence the cost of Faclifts in Korea
  • How to save money on a Facelift in Korea
Facelift Cost Seoul, Korea

Let’s dive right in by first going over the different factors that influence the cost of a Facelift in Korea.

Understanding the factors that influence the final price of a Facelift in Korea is very important because it will allow you to budget effectively.

These are the three most important factors that you should be aware of:

Type of Facelift

This one is obvious, different types of Facelifts will have different prices because they are very different in terms of results and the difficulty of the procedure.

There are three main different types of Facelifts:

  1. Mini Facelift
  2. Mid Facelift
  3. Full Facelift

We’ll explain the difference and go over the exact prices of each one of these Facelift types in Korea later in this guide.

But for now, just know that a mini Facelift is cheaper than a mid Facelift and the full Facelift is the most expensive out of all of them. This stands true in all plastic surgery clinic in the world, including in Korea.

Clinic Location & Reputation

Bigger and more famous clinics typically charge more for their Facelifts than smaller clinics.

However, even though these clinics might charge more, that doesn’t mean they are more experienced or produce better Facelift results.

In fact, when it comes to Facelifts in Korea we only recommend that you choose one of our recommended Facelift clinics. These are Korean clinics that we personally verified, they specialize in Facelifts and have an amazing track recod with them.

Also, if you decide to go to a big Korean plastic surgery clinic for a Facelift ,you can ask them to match the price of smaller clinics. They won’t always do this but it’s worth the ask and they might just match the price to get your business.

Pre and Post-Operative Care

Most well established and reputable Korean clinics that specialize in Facelifts will include all pre and post-operative procedures in the price and they won’t come at an additional cost.

This includes extra doctor check-ups, recovery treatments, tests, etc.

However, most clinics usually don’t include medication in the price and you will have to pay extra for that.

Average Facelift Prices In Korea

On average a Facelift in Korea will cost anywhere from $5,000 (6,600,000 KRW) to $8,000 (10,600,000 KRW).

However, like we said earlier in this guide, different types of Facelifts have different prices.

Let’s go over the average prices of the three most common types of Facelifts in Korea (mini, mid and full Facelift):

Mini Facelift

A mini Facelift is a type of Facelift that only addresses the lower part of the face and sometimes the neck. It’s also called a “weekend lift” and it mostly addresses the jaw, cheeks and neck.

A mini Facelift costs an average of $3,000 (4,000,000 KRW) to $5,000 (6,600,000 KRW) in Korea.

Korean/Mini Facelift Korea

Mid Facelift

A mid Facelift is a type of Facelift that mainly focuses on positioning the fat pads in the cheeks to a more youthful position. It provides more considerably more dramatic results than a mini Facelift

A mid Facelift costs an average of $4,500 (6,000,000 KRW) to $6,500 (8,600,000 KRW) in Korea.

Mid Facelift Korea

Full Facelift

A full Facelift provides the most dramatic results, however, it’s also the most invasive. It targets the cheeks, forehead wrinkles, the neck, jaw, etc.

A full Facelift costs an average of $8,000 (10,600,000 KRW) to $10,000 (13,300,000 KRW) in Korea.

Full Facelift Korea

Facelift Price in Korea vs Other Countries

There are over 500 plastic surgery clinics in Seoul, the capital of Korea and often called the world capital of plastic surgery.

Because of this, there is a lot of competition between the clinics which has made the prices of plastic surgery procedures very affordable in Korea compared to the prices for the same procedures in Western clinics.

In fact, Facelifts are on average between 30% to even 50% more affordable in Korea than in the West. 

When we compare the average prices of a Facelift in the US, UK and Australia with the prices in Korea, this is what we get:

  • US: $10,000
  • Australia: $8,000
  • UK: $7,500
  • Korea $5,000

Keep in mind that these numbers are the numbers before we consider the methods of saving money on a Facelift in Korea. 

Once you count in the tax refund, potential discounts, etc., the numbers become even better. We’ll go through ways of saving money on a Facelift in Korea later in this guide.

Facelift Prices Compared

We also have to consider that Korean surgeons are some of the most experienced surgeons in the world with the best track records in Facelifts.

The patient satisfaction rate is much higher in Korean plastic surgery clinics compared to the patient satisfaction rate in other countries.

When we look at the satisfaction rates in Korean Facelift specialized clinics (like the ones we recommend), these numbers get even better.

Considering the affordability, the experience and most importantly, the patient satisfaction rate, Korea becomes a clear winner and is obviously the best choice for a Facelift.

Additional or Complementary Procedures

A great idea to save some money and get a discount on the total price is to combine any additional procedures that you want to do and get it done at the same time as the Facelift.

The Korean plastic surgery clinic will save a lot of money on anesthesia, surgeon time and staff cost by doing multiple procedures for you at the same time.

Because of this, they will be happy to provide you a discount on the total price of both procedures. This usually comes out to about a 10% discount.

Here are the two most popular procedures combined with Facelifts in Korea:

Neck Lift

It’s very popular to get a Neck Lift at the same time as a Facelift. By doing so, patients get more dramatic results and end up saving a lot of recovery time than if they would do the procedures one by one.

If you want to learn more about Neck Lifts in Korea, read our guide where we cover everything you should know before getting a Neck Lift in Korea. This includes the prices, best clinics, etc.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgeries are also a great match for combining with a Facelift. It’s extremely common for older patients that have sagging eyelids.

It’s also very common for younger patients in Korea to combine a mini or mid Facelift with the double eyelid surgery.

Facelift Payment and Financing Options In Korea

Almost all Korean plastic surgery clinics will accept all major credit and debit cards as well as cash payments for Facelift procedures.

In fact, if you decide to do the Facelift payment in full instead of in multiple installments, the clinic will likely give you a slight discount.

This is a great way to easily save some money if your budget allows the payment in full.

However, if you can’t pay in full, you can opt-in to pay in multiple installments at the clinic with no or negligible interest rates. Make sure to ask the Korean clinic about this at the initial consultation.

When it comes to financing, you can either go with a multiple installment plan at the clinic or get financing from a 3rd party company.

There are companies that specialize in financing health and cosmetic procedures. However, the interest rates at these companies won’t make this a good choice.

The interest rates will be lower than the interest rates of a bank, however, it would be a much better idea to just go with a payment plan at the clinic.

How to Save Money on Your Facelift in Korea

As we found out earlier in this guide, Facelifts are much more affordable (and have a higher patient satisfaction rate) in Korea compared to most other countries.

However, there are ways to make your Facelift in Korea even more budget friendly that anybody can do:

Tax Refund

If you’re a foreigner going to Korea for a Facelift (or any plastic surgery procedure), you will be able to get a 5% tax refund at the airport once you’re leaving Korea.

Once you pay for the Facelift, make sure to keep the invoice, you’ll need it at the airport to claim the tax refund.

The only requirement for the tax refund is that you’re not a Korean citizen.

This is a great way to get a good chunk of money refunded that all foreigners should take advantage of.

Participating in Before and After Showcases

Korean plastic surgery clinics will sometimes look for models for some procedures.

This means that they will give a drastically reduced price for a certain procedure (up to 50% off) and in exchange the patient will allow them to use their before and after photos for their social media and promotion purposes.

If you’re the perfect candidate with the exact features that they are looking for, they might even sponsor the whole procedure for free.

If you’re comfortable with the clinic using your before and after photos, you can try and contact Korean clinics and ask them to participate in something like this. If you’re lucky, they might give you a great discount for your Facelift.

Paying In Full

As we said before in this guide, paying for the whole Facelift in Korea will likely get you a discount of up to 10%.

So if your budget allows it, ask the clinic for a discount for the full, up-front payment.

You will have to pay for the procedure regardless so if you have all of the funds ready at one time, you should take advantage of this to easily save some money.

Insurance Coverage for Facelifts in Korea

Facelifts are considered cosmetic surgeries and because of this they are not covered by your typical insurance.

However, in certain, rare, cases, some insurance plans might finance a Facelift or provide a discount.

Make sure to ask your own insurance provider to get 100% accurate information for your personal situation.


Korea has very affordable Facelift prices due to the amount of competition between Korean plastic surgery clinics. However, the exact Facelift prices in Korea vary widely depending on the type of facelift, clinic, additional procedures, etc.

When we also consider the highest level of patient Facelift satisfaction and the surgeon experience, Korea becomes an obvious best choice for a Facelift.

Now that you’ve read this guide you will be able to save a good amount of money on your Facelift in Korea. Make sure to take advantage of discounts and the tax refund.

Also, for the top Korean Facelift clinics check out our Facelift clinic recommendadtion list.


What is the average cost for a Facelift in Korea?

The average cost of a  Facelift in Korea is anywhere from $5,000 (6,600,000 KRW) to $8,000 (10,600,000 KRW).

The exact price depends on a lot of factors including the type of Facelift, clinic, additional treatments, etc.

Is it cheaper to get a Facelift in Korea or other countries?

Most patients save between 30% to 50% on their Facelifts in Korea compared to if they would have done the same Facelift in the USA, UK or Australia.

When you also factor in the top-notch experience of Korean surgeons, Korea becomes the obvious best choice for Facelifts.

What financing options are available for a Facelift in Korea?

Most Korean plastic surgery clinics offer long-term payment plans with 0% interest rates. This is the best financing option for a Facelift in Korea.

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