Neck Lift In Korea: Costs, Clinics, And More, June 2024

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about getting a neck lift done in Korea.

Over 80,000 people are flying to Korea every year for plastic surgery, so the competition among clinics is fierce. Because of that, it’s hard to find the right one for the best price-to-value and great results.

With this guide, we hope to help you get the best results from a neck lift in Korea.

We will cover every important aspect of a neck lift in Korea by going over:

  • Why choose Korea for a neck lift
  • Neck lift cost in Korea
  • Best neck lift clinics in Seoul
  • And much, much more
Neck Lift Korea

Let’s dive right in by first quickly going over what a neck lift is:

A neck lift is a plastic procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the neck and the jawline.

It removes excess skin and fat around the jawline, creating a more defined and youthful-looking neck.

Neck Lift

A neck lift can help you reduce signs of aging in the lower part of the face.

There are also non-surgical neck lifts, but surgical ones get better results. You can also look into getting dermal fillers or Botox instead of a neck lift. They can achieve similar results but won’t last as long.

A lot of surgeons recommend getting a facelift together with a neck lift, but that is certainly not the only option. We will give you more recommendations later in this guide.

Recovery Time

During recovery, a bandage will be placed on your wound and around the neck. It will help to reduce swelling and bruising.

Pain and swelling will go away in about two weeks, and you will be able to see the first results. It may take up to 3 months for the swelling to completely subside.

Your doctor will typically remove stitches after about seven days.

You should avoid lifting heavier things for a few weeks or until your doctor clears you.

There will be a scar after your surgery. But don’t worry, the scar is carefully hidden under the chin or around the ears.

Before And After

An Image Of A Man After Having A Neck Lift Procedure
An Image Of A Woman After Having A Neck Lift Procedure Done

Procedures That Complement A Neck Lift

As is the case with most plastic procedures, some go great together and complement each other well. Some procedures can help enhance the effect of others and give you an even more natural look.

When it comes to a neck lift, you have a variety of procedures available that can help get you even better results. You can even save some money, as procedures done simultaneously can get you a nice discount on the final cost.

Here are some of our recommendations that go very well with a neck lift:

Of course, everything is based on your wishes and what you expect to get from a neck lift. Surgeons will typically give you recommendations when you have your first consultation. Feel free to ask them as well.

It can, however, pay off if you decide on another procedure together with your neck lift, as it can bring down your final cost nicely.

Clinics can save plenty of money by doing procedures simultaneously, so it is pretty common for them to offer discounts.

Neck Lift Cost In Korea

Neck lift prices in Korea start at around 4,000,000 KRW (=3,000 $) and go as high as 6,700,000 KRW (=5,000 $).

The exact price depends on a lot of different factors, such as:

  • Clinic reputation: some more reputable clinics may charge more. But remember, higher prices don’t always mean better results.
  • Promotions and deals: clinics run promotions and deals to attract customers. Look for discounts for a neck lift to lower your cost.
  • Additional procedures: if you get an extra procedure with your neck lift, the clinic usually offers a discount for either of them

For a neck lift, Korea is very budget-friendly and affordable.

Compared To Other Countries

When we compare the prices of a neck lift in Korea to other countries, it’s clear that Korea is more affordable.

There are a lot of clinics in Korea competing with each other to attract customers. They offer competitive prices, making them very affordable and budget-friendly.

For the same procedure, you can expect to pay between:

  • 5,400,000 KRW (=4,000 $) and 10,800,000 KRW (=8,000 $) in the US
  • 5,800,000 KRW (=4,200 $) and 8,100,000 KRW (=6,000 $) in the UK
  • 5,600,000 KRW (=4,100 $) and 8,500,000 KRW (= 6,300 $) in Australia
Cost Comparison Between Korea And Other Countries

You can save up to 30% by going to Korea for a neck lift compared to other countries.

Another great thing about Korea is the all-inclusivity of their prices. In Korea, most prices include everything from surgery-related costs to added tax. You can also get a VAT refund when leaving!

That is not the case in countries like the US. Prices in the US are typically without tax and other surgery-related costs. In the end, the cost can be much higher than portrayed on websites.

Not just that but Korean clinics are usually partnered with hotels and apartments. This means you can get accommodation either free of charge or with a very nice discount

Combine this information with our tips on saving money on plastic surgery in Korea and get a good chunk of your money back.

Save More Money In Korea

Korea is already more affordable and budget-friendly than Western countries.

However, there are still ways to save more money in Korea. Here are some tips from us:

Paying In Full

If you decide to pay in full, clinics will happily give you a discount of up to 10%.

They prefer when you don’t decide on payment over monthly installments. Always check with the clinic before paying and ask for a discount when paying in full.

Before And After Pictures

Some clinics will offer you discounts if you let them use your before and after photos on their website and social media.

If you are comfortable with it and a good candidate, this is a great way to get a good chunk of money back.

Additional Procedures

If you decide to get another procedure with your neck lift, clinics will offer you a discount on either one.

They do this because they save a lot on anesthesia and staff costs.

We already covered which procedures complement a neck lift. To sum it up, most anti-aging, eye and facial contouring procedures go well with a neck lift.

Tax Refund

If you are a foreigner, you are entitled to a VAT refund at the airport when leaving Korea.

Keep all your receipts because the only requirement is that you are not a Korean citizen.

Keep an eye out for tax refund machines at the airport. A tax refund is a good way to get a nice chunk of money back.

Tax Refund Machine At An Airport

Choosing Korea For Your Neck Lift

With over 500 plastic surgery clinics, Seoul is globally famous as the ”plastic surgery capital of the world”.

There are a ton of areas where Korean plastic surgery excels. Korea is considered the leader in innovations in plastic surgery.

With how fast plastic surgery is growing in Korea, it is no surprise that a lot of foreigners choose Korea as their destination for plastic procedures.

Affordable prices and experienced surgeons are just some of the reasons why Korea is a top destination for plastic surgery.

Surgeon Experience

Korea has some of the most experienced surgeons in the world.

Just the amount of neck lifts they perform annually is enough for them to have plenty of experience.

Korean surgeons have also perfected neck lift surgery techniques to minimize scarring, ensure the fastest results, and reduce recovery time.

Most importantly, Korean surgeons are specialized. With the number of neck lifts in Korea, surgeons specialize in facial contouring procedures, which include a neck lift.

The ones performing facial surgery are only doing those types of procedures. However, in Western clinics, it’s common for surgeons to perform a wide variety of procedures.

Not only are surgeons specialized, but plastic surgery clinics are starting to specialize in facial surgery as well. We will go over that later in this guide.


As we already covered in the section ‘’Neck Lift Cost In Korea,’’ getting a neck lift is more affordable in Korea than in other countries.

You can save around 30% on a neck lift in Korea compared to getting the same procedure in countries like the US, the UK, and Australia.

Plastic surgery clinics compete with each other. This is why the prices for neck lifts are so affordable in Korea.

Korean plastic surgery clinics try to accommodate the needs of every patient. They offer a ton of additional services like concierge and translators.

Overall, you get the best price-to-value in Korea.

Use our money-saving tips to get the best possible deal for a neck lift in Korea.

Post-Neck Lift Stay Duration In Korea

Every surgery or even simpler procedures require some downtime immediately after. A neck lift is no different.

While a neck lift is not a major surgery and typically requires no hospitalization, you should plan to stay in Korea for a few days afterward.

We strongly recommend you stay at least until you have your switches removed, which, for a neck lift, usually takes about 7 days. Your surgeon will give you a better estimate at the consultation.

We recommend scheduling at least one appointment with your surgeon after your neck lift. Korean clinics are usually willing to accommodate your schedule if needed.

Most clinics will also provide accommodation if you book through them since they are partnered with many nearby hotels or apartments.

During your visit to Korea, you are free to explore as much as you like, of course, following guidelines from your surgeon about recovery.

You can check out what to do in Seoul here.

Finding The Best Neck Lift Clinic In Seoul

One of the most important things on your journey to a neck lift in Korea is picking a plastic surgery clinic.

More than 500 plastic surgery clinics in Seoul make this a stressful decision. You shouldn’t just pick a random clinic because it can make a difference between a satisfying and a disappointing result.

You should always do proper research before deciding on one final clinic. We already did that and will give you our recommendations and tips on what to focus on.

We verified these clinics by:

  • Visiting their facilities
  • Checking their surgeons
  • Going over Google reviews
  • Interviewing ex-patients
  • Much more …

All the clinics from the list satisfy our criteria and are a safe and good pick for a neck lift. They are your best options to avoid a botched or overpriced surgery.

Let’s now look at some factors you should focus on while researching clinics:

Real, Verified Non-Fake Reviews

Reviews are one of the most important factors when deciding on a plastic surgery clinic, even in Korea.

When we are researching clinics, we always thoroughly dig through reviews. They can give us a good insight into how clinics work.

Make sure to only look at reviews for facial contouring and focus on those mentioning neck lifts. Generally, clinics with great facial contouring reviews are also a very good choice for a neck lift.

An Example Of A Good And Detailed Review Of FacePlus Plastic Surgery Clinic

Above is an example of a good review that is both detailed and ”legit”. You can get a good feeling of how the clinic works. This example is for FacePlus Plastic Surgery, one of our recommended clinics for a neck lift.

Make sure to look out for fake reviews. These are unfortunately becoming popular, as clinics will do everything to attract customers.

When researching clinics, we like to look at Google reviews, as they are quite hard to fake. We also contact former patients to learn about their experience with the clinic in question.

Specialization Of The Clinic

Another factor when looking for a plastic surgery clinic is the specialization of the clinic.

It is recommended to choose a clinic that specializes in your specific procedure. In this case, clinics specializing in facial contouring are the safest choice.

Most clinics don’t have a particular specialization set. However, you can easily learn about which procedures they perform the best or, so to say, specialize in.

For clinics that do not have a ”set specialization”, we check:

  • Their surgeons’ specializations
  • Customer reviews
  • Track records

When researching clinics for a neck lift, we tend to look for clinics specializing in facial contouring procedures. We recommend you do the same.

There are a ton of clinics specializing in facial contouring in Seoul. But we recommend you go for either FacePlus Plastic Surgery or BATANG Plastic Surgery.

Both of these clinics have surgeons specializing in procedures that fall under facial contouring.

To sum up, a clinic with surgeons specializing in facial surgery, a great track record, and good reviews is a good and safe choice for a neck lift.

Price To Value

When deciding on a clinic, the value of service you get for the money paid is very important.

While it shouldn’t be your number 1 deciding factor, you should still consider cost.

Be aware that clinics that charge the most are not always the best for a neck lift. Demand a quote from the clinic for the price and check what this price includes.


In conclusion, getting a neck lift in Korea is a great and safe decision. Korea has some of the most experienced surgeons in facial surgery and high-quality facilities that use modern medical technology.

Also, a neck lift in Korea is at least 30% cheaper than in Western countries. You can also save more money by using our tips on saving in Korea.

Now that you have read our guide, you know everything you need to know about getting a neck lift in Korea.

Remember to check out our list of recommended neck lift clinics in Seoul to find our top picks for a neck lift.

Don’t forget, pick a plastic surgery specializing in neck lifts with a good reputation and affordable costs. Think thoroughly about this decision and make the right one!

If you are struggling with finding a clinic, use our picks. We made sure that the clinics we recommend are top choices for a neck lift in Korea.

If you need any other help, feel free to write to us at , and within 48 hours, you will get a response from our team.


What is the cost of a neck lift in Korea?

Neck lift prices in Korea start at around 4,000,000 KRW (=3,000 $) and go as high as 6,700,000 KRW (=5,000 $).

However, this price can vary a lot because of many other factors. Always demand a full-price quote from the clinic to get the actual cost.

Can you get a facelift with a neck lift?

A neck lift and a facelift go hand in hand with each other and are usually best to get them together.

A lot of surgeons recommend you get a facelift with your neck to guarantee the best results possible. You might even get a discount if you decide to get both simultaneously.

Are there any visible scars after a neck lift?

Because a neck lift is a surgical procedure, it leaves a scar after.

However, don’t worry because Korean surgeons use techniques to minimize scarring. Surgeons will carefully hide the scar under your chin or around your ears.

For how long should I stay in Korea after a neck lift?

A typical recommendation is to stay in Korea for at least a week or until they remove your stitches.

Stitches are typically removed after 7 days, so you should plan to stay in Korea for at least a week. Try to fit at least one appointment after a neck lift with your surgeon before leaving Korea.

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