Rhinoplasty Cost In Korea: Seoul Nose Job Pricing In June 2024

A standard Rhinoplasty in Korea will cost you anywhere between $2,100 (2,800,000 KRW) and $3,500 (4,700,000 KRW).

However, your actual price can vary widely because there are many factors that affect the final cost as well as different prices for different kinds of Rhinoplasties.

In this guide we will cover all of that and everything else that you should to know about the costs of Rhinoplasties (nose jobs) in Seoul, Korea.

The average prices for different kinds of nose jobs in Korea, how to save money and what factors influence the final price quotes at Korean plastic surgery clinics. Let’s jump right in.

Rhinoplasty Cost Seoul, Korea

Before we begin, if you want to know more about planning your Rhinoplasty in Seoul, read our guide to Rhinoplasty in Korea where we go over everything incuding the best clinics, expected before and after results, the process and more.

The average price of a minor Rhinoplasty in Korea starts at around $2100 (2,800,000 KRW). More complex nose jobs cost anywhere between $2800 (4,000,000 KRW) and $7000 (10,000,000 KRW) or more. We’ll go over the exact prices of all different types of nose jobs later in this guide.

When we compare compare these costs to other countries, Korea is clearly the most affordable.

Due to the huge amount of plastic surgery clinics in Seoul, there’s a lot of competition between them and that has driven the prices to very affordable levels. On top of that it has the highest percentage of patient satisfaction rate when it comes to nose jobs.

As you can see on the graph we made below, standard nose jobs (the most basic Rhinoplasty procedures) are about 40%-50% more budget friendly than in Western clinics and about 10%-20% more affordable than in Turkish clinics.

Nose Job Prices Compared

Let’s break down the different kinds of factors that influence a specific nose job in Korea. This way you will be able to understand what your actual, final price quote for Rhinoplasty in Korea will be.

Factors That Inluence The Cost

When we look at Rhinoplasty prices, they are always potrayed in a big price range. 

Depending on the clinic that you choose and your personal situation (size and shape of the nose, etc.), you might fall on the lower or upper end of the price spectrum.

These are the most impactful factors that influence the price of a nose job in Korea:

Clinic Expertise and Reputation

More famous clinics that have very experienced surgeons will have a much higher cost for a standard Rhinoplasty than some other clinics. The difference in price can even be up to 50%.

However, even though a clinic might be famous and does a lot of advertising, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to give you a better results for your Rhinoplasty.

We recommend you check out our list of recommended Rhinoplasty clinics where you will find vetted plastic surgery clinics in Seoul that specialize in all different types of nose jobs, give you the value for your money and have an actual amazing track record with these procedures.

Post-Operative Care

Depending on the clinics, you might get charged extra for additional doctor check-ups after the Rhinoplasty procedure or any post-operative recovery treatments like red-light therapy.

However, this isn’t the norm and top Korean clinics will almost always provide post-operative care procedures or check-ups for free. Still, this is something that you should keep in mind.

Type of Procedure & Nose Size

There are a lot of different kinds of nose jobs (standard Rhinoplasty, Alarplasty, Rhinoplasty Revision Surgery, etc.), and they differ from each other based on the goal and the difficulty level of the procedure.

The doctor will recommend the best kind of Rhinoplasty for you to achieve your desired look.

More complex types of Rhinoplasties are more expensive and the differences in price are large. We’ll talk about the exact prices of all different types of nose jobs later in this guide.

Moreover, there are also lots of different types of noses. One nose might be much easier to operate on and needs less work than another. Things like width and size of the nose become big factors as well as the nostril sizes, age, etc.

Standard Rhinoplasty Cost

A standard nose job involves removing the osteocartilaginous hump (hump on the nose), decreasing the alar size and narrowing the septum (reducing the width of the nose).

The average Standard Rhinoplasty in Seoul, Korea, costs between $2100 (3,000,000 KRW) and $3,500 (5,000,000 KRW).

Osteotomy Cost

Osteotomy, also known as Rhinoplasty for wide bridges and is used for people who want to reduce the width of their nasal bone. The surgeon breaks the nasal bone on each side and rearranges it into the desired look.

The average Osteotomy (Rhinoplasty for wide bridges) in Seoul, Korea, costs between $900 (1,200,000 KRW) and $1,800 (2,400,000 KRW).

Tip Plasty Cost

Tip Plasty is a type of a nose job that involves reshaping the cartilage in the tip of your nose to make it appear more defined. The procedure only involves reducing the size of the the cartilage and does not break the nasal bone which makes the recovery process much faster.

The average Tip Plasty in Seoul, Korea, costs between $2,500 (3,300,000 KRW) and $3,200 (4,300,000 KRW).

Alar Reduction Cost

Alar reduction is a type of nose job that changes the shape and size of the nostrils. It’s done by removing a portion of the alar.

The average Alar Reduction in Seoul, Korea, costs between $1,000 (1,300,000 KRW) and $2,000 (2,600,000 KRW).

Rib Cartilage Cost

Rib cartilage Rhinoplasty is a type of nose job that uses the cartilage from a patient’s rib to reshape their nose. It’s one of the more advanced types of nose jobs and has a recovery time of up to 6 weeks.

The average Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty in Seoul, Korea, costs between $9,000 (12,000,000 KRW) and $12,000 (16,000,000 KRW).

Nose Revision Surgery Cost

A revision Rhinoplasty is a nose job that’s maent to repair or enhance previously done nose jobs. About 10% of all Rhinoplasties need revisions so this is a common procedure.

The average Nose Revision Rhinoplasty in Seoul, Korea, costs between $10,000 (13,000,000 KRW) and $13,000 (17,000,000 KRW).

Additional Costs to Consider

Whenever you’re choosing a plastic surgery clinic for your Rhinoplasty in Seoul, these are some important things to consider that might pose an additional cost:

  1. Initial Consultation: Even though the vast majority of clinics offers a free initial consultation, some clinics end up charging you for it. It’s important to make sure the consultation wih the surgeon is free before you get there.
  2. Anesthesia: Some clinics might charge you extra for anesthesia.
  3. Post-Operative Care: It’s common to have things like red light therapy or extra check-ups with the surgeon after the initial procedure. However, sometimes clinics charge extra for these.
  4. Medication: Usually you have to pay for the medication that the clinic perscribes.

Insurance and Financing Options in Korea

Let’s go over the insurance coverage and the financing options for your Rhinoplasty in Seoul. These are very important because you can end up saving a lot of money if you’re the right candidate.

Insurance Coverage

In the majority of cases, a Rhinoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure which means that health insurance doesn’t cover the cost of it.

However, if he Rhinoplasty is deemed a medical necessity, your insurance is likely to cover it. Usually this means that you have troubles breathing through your nose or have a very deviated septum.

Financing Options

There are two different financing options:

  1. Clinic Financing: A lot of clinics will offer financing for your Rhinoplasty at a much lower interest rate than a bank. This is likely the best financing option for you if you’re a good candidate for the clinic.
  2. 3rd Party Financing: There are companies that focus on financing medical and plastic surgery procedures. These often offer a lower interest rate than banks.

Save Money On Rhinoplasty in Seoul

There are three ways to save a lot of money when getting a Rhinoplasty in Seoul, let’s dive right in.

Paying in Full

If you intend to pay for your Rhinoplasty in full, either by cash or credit card, you will most likely get a discount by the plastic surgery clinic.

Paying in full can save you anywhere between 10%-15% which can add up to a lot of money.

Make sure to ask your clinic for a discount for the payment in full at the initial consultation.

Participating in Before and After Showcases

If you are comfortable with the clinic using your before and after photos on their social media and advertising campaigns, you can save a lot of money.

A lot of plastic surgery clinics in Seoul will drastically reduce the price (even up to 50%) for a good candidate that is willing to let them use their before and after photos.

In some instances, you can even get the whole procedure done for free if you are the perfect candidate with exactly the type of nose that they are looking for.

Tax Refund

If you’re a foreigner going to Korea, you’re eligible for a tax refund on all plastic surgery procedures, including Rhinoplasty.

Make sure to keep all the invoices you receive at the Korean clinic and you’ll be able to claim a 5% tax refund at the airport once you’re leaving Korea.

This is an easy way to get a nice chunk of money you spent on your Rhinoplasty back that anyobody can do as long as they aren’t a Korean national.


In conclusion, you can expect your Rhinoplasty cost in Seoul to depend on certain factors such as your nose shape, your desired result, potential previous nose jobs and the actual plastic surgery clinic’s reputation and expertise.

With all of these in mind, most people pay between $1,400 (2,000,000 KRW) for a simple type of nose job up to $14,000,000 (20,000,000 KRW) for a more complex Rhinoplasty procedure or a revision.

However, there are some great ways to save money on your nose job in Korea. The main ways to do that is by paying in full and getting a discount or by becoming a model for the clinic and letting them use your before and after photos for their own purposes.


How much does a basic nose job cost in Seoul?

The average Standard Rhinoplasty in Seoul, Korea, costs between $2100 (3,000,000 KRW) and $3,500 (5,000,000 KRW).

The price depends on the clinic, your nose and any potential previous nose jobs. It’s also important to know that more complex types of nose jobs like the rib cartilage Rhinoplasty will cost a lot more.

Is financing available for Rhinoplasty in Korea?

There are two types of financing options available for Rhinoplasty in Korea. The first, and probably the best one, is through the actual clinic which will offer you a much lower interest rate than a bank.

The second option is to get financing from a company that specializes in financing medical and plastic surgery procedures.

Can I use international insurance for a nose job in Seoul?

International insurance will only cover your Rhinoplasty if it’s deemed as a medical necessity by a doctor. This usually happens to people who have a very deviated septum and have a hard time breathing through their nose.

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